The German inspectors carried out several cabotage checks and technical inspections on lorries in July on routes and traffic junctions heavily used by non-resident vehicles, as well as heavily used parking areas.
As part of the control action on July 5, a total of 356 vehicles were checked, taking into account all controlled legal areas. Of these, 254 vehicles were checked for compliance with the regular weekly rest period outside the vehicle and 156 vehicles for compliance with cabotage regulations. 36 violations related to the ban on taking regular weekly rest periods in vehicles were identified and ten vehicles were reported due to cabotage violations. A further eleven violations were found in the 38 vehicles checked for technical defects.
As part of the control actions on 14-15 July, a total of 603 vehicles were checked. Of these, 580 vehicles were checked for compliance with cabotage regulations, 170 in terms of driving and rest times. A violation related to the ban on taking regular weekly rest periods in vehicles was identified and 26 vehicles were reported due to cabotage regulations. Nine violations were found in the vehicles checked for technical defects.
On 28-29 July, a total of 516 vehicles were checked. Of these, 478 vehicles were checked for compliance with cabotage regulations, 142 in terms of driving and rest times. 28 vehicles were objected to in relation to the cabotage regulations. In addition, two violations of the regular rest period in the vehicle and seven technical deficiencies within the scope of the technical roadside inspection were found.
Taking into account all controlled legal areas, a total of around 145,960 euros was collected in security deposits in July 2021. The control results obtained are evaluated and incorporated into the subsequent operational controls.