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High wall will surround the parking lot in Calais. The French are finally doing something to improve security

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A 3-meter-high wall will protect drivers waiting for the ferry against attacks by immigrants. It is built at the request of the prefect of the Pas-de-Calais region.

The concrete wall is created around the Total petrol station in the Marcel-Doret area. The construction is expected to take several days. Trucks stop at the station before going to the port, from where they continue to the UK.


According to the French media, in this very place, immigrants try to break into trucks every day to illegally enter the UK. The construction of the wall is a step towards a goal that the Total Group set: “Safe customers and station employees”. However, the wall is being built the request of Fabien Sudra, prefect of the Pas-de-Calais region.

This place has become the favourite location of people smugglers. There have been many attempts to break into trucks and catch immigrants. The police protection and supervision of the station was necessary at night. Officers often suffered from aggression (from immigrants – ed.),” the prefect said.

The investment costs will be covered by Total.

Photo: Video Le Figaro
