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Alcott Global Leaders in Tech and E-commerce Podcast, featuring Thras.Io founder John Hefter

Alcott Global Leaders in Tech and E-commerce Podcast, featuring Thras.Io founder John Hefter

Rushit Sha

Rushit Sha Regional Director of Alcott Global- Asia Pacific and North America


How Blockchain improves procurement agreements

How Blockchain improves procurement agreements

David Food

David Food Strategy Director Prophetic Technology


Dashboard information on the windshield with a real-time map? Huawei says it’s possible

Dashboard information on the windshield with a real-time map? Huawei says it’s possible

Pölös Zsófia

Pölös Zsófia Journalist


Supply chain visibility creates opportunities to reduce CO2

Supply chain visibility creates opportunities to reduce CO2

Dan MacGregor

Dan MacGregor Co-Founder at Nexxiot AG


Supply Chain Resilience with Andrew Hogenson, Partner & Global Head at Infosys

Supply Chain Resilience with Andrew Hogenson, Partner & Global Head at Infosys

Andrei Palamariu

Andrei Palamariu Senior Director APAC at Alcott Global


Think finding qualified talent is difficult now? Just wait….

Think finding qualified talent is difficult now? Just wait….

Cynthia Kalina-Kaminsky, Ph.D

Cynthia Kalina-Kaminsky, Ph.D Cynthia Kalina-Kaminsky, Ph.D. CEO, Process & Strategy Solutions, PLLC


Digital technology has significant effects on citizen’s daily lives

Digital technology has significant effects on citizen’s daily lives

David Food

David Food Strategy Director Prophetic Technology


How retailers may have the ‚perfect storm’ of COVID, PEAK & BREXIT

How retailers may have the ‚perfect storm’ of COVID, PEAK & BREXIT

Bobbie Ttooulis

Bobbie Ttooulis Executive Director at Global Freight Solutions (GFS)


Equip your business better with synchronisation and edge-technology

Equip your business better with synchronisation and edge-technology

David Food

David Food Strategy Director Prophetic Technology


A sustainable investment based on Blockchain solutions

A sustainable investment based on Blockchain solutions

David Food

David Food Strategy Director Prophetic Technology
