
The EU, France and Germany closed. Coronavirus in Europe: bans, restrictions and health checks at the borders {interactive map}

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More and more European countries prefer to introduce restrictions or health checks at their borders. Check out this interactive map to learn about the controls and bans at the different border crossings.

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Last update: 11:10 21 March 2020


As of 00:00, 18 March, entry into the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria for people coming from the following countries is forbidden: 

China (the People’s Republic of); Iran (the Islamic Republic of); Bangladesh; India; Maldives (the Republic of); Nepal (the Federal Democratic Republic of); Sri Lanka (the Democratic Socialist Republic of); Spain; Italy; Korea (the Republic of); United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Northern Ireland; France; Germany; the Netherlands and Switzerland.


Lithuania introduces quarantine. Foreigners will not be able to enter the country, except for those who deliver goods. People entering from Italy, France, Germany, Spain, China, Hong Kong, Iran, Korea, Singapore and Japan will be subject to health checks.

The Ogrodniki-Lazdijai border crossing is open to all drivers, there are no tonnage restrictions at the crossing.


The president of Serbia introduced a state of emergency – he banned all foreigners except diplomats and Chinese citizens. Penalty for non-compliance – 3 years in prison.

These measures, however, do not apply to freight traffic when performing international road transport. In the case of international road traffic burden, the stay is limited to a period of no longer than 12 hours from the moment of entry into the territory of the Republic of Serbia.


All Turkish border crossings were closed yesterday for travellers from the following countries: Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, the Netherlands, China, Iran, Iraq, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Thailand.

Turkish truck drivers entering the country from one of these countries will be quarantined for 14 days at home. Foreign truckers entering Turkey from one of these countries will be quarantined for 14 days at the border and will not be able to enter the country during the quarantine period. Truck drivers who are nationals of these countries will not be allowed to enter Turkey.

Last updated: 13: 11 19 March 2020


Foreign truck drivers travelling through Belarus will be able to stop to rest and refuel only in places designated by the Belarus Ministry of Transport from midnight 19 March. Sanitary and epidemiological controls will be introduced at fuel stations. Compliance checks will be carried out by road transport inspectors. The measure will be in force from midnight 19 March.

>>>> Check out the transit routes and stops here <<<<<


Hungary closed its borders foreign nationals on 16 March midnight. Only Hungarian nationals can enter the country since then but international freight transport is still allowed. The government has created freight corridors for trucks. Trucks are allowed to enter the country at designated border crossings and they must follow a designated transit route, they are allowed to re-fuel only at designated fuel stations.

Border-crossing open for international freight traffic:

  • Rajka (SK)
  • Hegyeshalom, Sopron, Rabafuzes (Austria)
  • Redics (Slovenia)
  • Letenye (Croatia) Udvar (Croatia)
  • Roszke (Serbia)
  • Csanadpalota (Romania)
  • Zahony (Ukraine)
  • Tornyosnemeti (Czechia)

>>>> Check out the transit routes and stops here <<<<<

Last updated: 14:00 18 March 2020

The European Union

Brussels has announced a 30-day travel restriction into the European Union because of the coronavirus pandemic. This was announced by Ursula von der Leyen, head of the European Commission. The restriction does not apply to freight transportation.

Further details to come later on Tuesday, 17 March.


On Monday evening, President Macron announced that France would go into enforced lockdown from Tuesday midday. International freight transport is not banned.


Germany has also closed its borders with Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg and Denmark since Monday morning. Only German citizens, those who reside in the country and work in a neighbouring nation and vice-versa, and physical goods, can cross the German border.

International freight transport is also allowed to cross the borders.

Last updated: 11:45 16 March 2020


The weekend traffic ban for heavy goods vehicles above 7.5 tonnes is suspended until 3 April 2020. According to IRU, this measure has been discussed and coordinated with Italy and Bavaria in order to avoid border waiting times to the best possible


Due to the crisis caused by the coronavirus, the Danish government decided to temporarily suspend the rules of drivers’ hours and working time in road transport for 10 days. By March 23, drivers carrying groceries will not have to comply with the 24- and 45-hour rest regulations.

Last updated: 12:06 15 March 2020


Travellers who want to enter Norway from countries outside Scandinavia are immediately returned or must be quarantined for two weeks.


Russia has closed the land border with Poland and Norway for foreigners. The ban applies from midnight, 15 March. Belarusians, members of official delegations and people who have permission to stay in Russia are allowed to enter the country. The restriction does not apply to professional drivers.

Last updated: 11:31 14 March 2020

Czech Republic

 From 14 March border controls on the borders with Austria and Germany will be introduced. Only 11 border crossings will be available. Necessary documents and an updated list of active border crossings can be found on the website of the Czech Ministry of the Interior:


The federal police tightened controls on the French border in Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg. During the control, people travelling from France are asked about their health, and officials also measure body temperature. A checkpoint was also set up on the A8 near Perl, where drivers from Luxembourg are checked.

5 German states –  North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Lower Saxony, Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein- decided to loosen the Sunday and holiday ban on truck traffic. However, it only applies to hygiene products and non-perishable food.


A state of emergency was declared. It is in force until 14 April. We don’t have information about any difficulties for transport or border controls.


Lithuania Introduced health checks on the border with Poland and Latvia. The authorities randomly check all travellers and truck drivers.


From 15 March to 24 March, border controls will be in force on the Polish borders with Germany, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Polish borders can only be crossed at designated places. Checks will also be carried out at seaports and airports.  Restrictions will be introduced for foreigners on entry to Poland but those who carry goods, including truck drivers, will be allowed to enter the country. 

List of road border crossings with EU countries that will be OPEN:

Czech Republic

Cieszyn – Chotebuz


New Chałupki


Kudowa – Salty




Olszyna – Forst

Świecko – Frankfurt

Lower Krajnik – Schwedt

Kołabaskowo – Pomellen

Świnoujście – Garz






List of CLOSED border crossings with non-EU countries


Gołdap – Gusev

Gronowo – Mamonowo


Rudawka- Lesnaja (river)

Białowieża – Piererow

Sławatycze – Domaczewo

Połowce – Piestatka

Czeremcha – Wysokolitowsk (rail)


Zosin – Ustiług

Dołhobyczów – Uhrynów

Hrebenne – Rawa Ruska (rail)

Budomierz – Hruszew

Medyka – Szeginie

Krościenko – Smolnica

Krościenko – Chyrów (rail)


Random checks on the Italian-Swiss border. People entering the country are asked about the reason of their journey. 83 control points have been set. Nine smaller border crossings with Italy are closed in the Canton of Tessin: Pedrinate, Ponte Faloppia, Novazzano Marcetto, San Pietro di Stabio, Ligornetto Cantinetta, Arzo, Ponte Cremenaga, Cassinone and Indemini.

Last updated: 12:50 13 March 2020


On Thursday evening (12 March), the Catalan government decided to quarantine four towns in Spain’s northeastern autonomous region of Catalonia:

  • Igualada 
  • Vilanova del Camí, 
  • Santa Margarida de Montbui,
  • Enadena.

There is no information on freight transport yet.

Czech Republic

There are random health checks at borders with Germany and Austria. Entry for foreigners coming from the most infected countries (China, Italy, Iran and South Korea) is banned.

 From 12 March, a 30-day state of emergency was declared. 

From 14 March, border controls with Austria and Germany will resume. The entry will be possible only in 11 designated crossings.

Necessary documents and an updated list of active border crossings on the website Czech Ministry of the Interior:


Estonia has introduced health checks at its borders to identify people with possible coronavirus symptoms. Travellers arriving in Estonia have to fill in a document to declare which countries they have recently been.


Temporary border controls have been reintroduced at crossing points with Austria, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Hungary. Only people with a permanent or temporary residence permit in the Slovak Republic and Slovak citizens will be allowed to enter the territory of the Slovak Republic. For persons living abroad and commuters in Slovakia, priority border controls have been introduced – proof of employment is required.

Further measures:

– introduction of a 14-day quarantine for all arrivals from high-risk countries.

– suspension of international transport (except supply and transit);

– no controls will be introduced on the Slovak-Polish border

– closure of international airports for passenger traffic (Bratislava, Košice, Poprad);

– suspension of international passenger transport (air, rail, bus)

Last updated: 13:34 12 March 2020


Slovakia re-introduces border checks, closes its borders to non-residents and shuts down international airports to prevent travel to and from the country, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini has announced the new regulations on Wednesday.
According to local media, international freight traffic is not restricted.

Last updated: 10:07 12 March 2020


170 border crossings will be closed, 49 will remain open (mainly the international crossings). All visitors’ temperature will be checked. More information coming soon.

Last updated: 17:23 11 March 2020


Austria is banning entry to anyone arriving from Italy without a health certificate, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on Tuesday morning.

In order to prevent the further spread of coronavirus, the Austrian government has issued a regulation for health checks upon entry from Italy. From Tuesday morning, two mobile health check teams will carry out selective health checks in the Brenner border area (motorway, state road and train traffic) and at the Sillian and Reschenpass borders.

During the health checks, temperature measurements will be carried out at random. Also, the medical team will ask standard questions, such as whether the trip was started from a risk area and whether the people being checked have flu-like symptoms.

Czech Republic

The Czech authorities have been carrying out random health checks on passengers at the Austrian and German border crossings from Monday.


Border controls at Slovenian and Austrian borders have been reintroduced.

No entry to Hungary for people coming from the territory of Italy, China, South Korea and Iran but this measure does NOT affect the transportation of goods.


The quarantine of entire Italy does not apply to road transportation of goods. However, drivers carrying out transportation in zones subject to exceptional measures, and now, de facto the whole country should have a statement with them, which includes the origin and the destination of their travels, the route between the two points, and the employer’s declaration of the trucker’s job.

It is fine to write your own statement or use a ready-made form, such as the one published by the Italian daily Il Messaggero (the document is in Italian).

>>>>> Check out the sample HERE <<<<<


Poland has also introduced health checks at its border crossings with Germany, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.


Romania has also closed its border to freight traffic arriving from northern Italy. The border lock is in force until 31 March.


Serbia is closing its borders with immediate effect for those coming from areas that are the focal points of the new type of coronavirus, Serbian head of state Aleksandar Vucic said late Monday night.

According to the Serbian Public Service Television (RTS) report, the President of the Republic has explained that people from parts of China, South Korea, Iran and Switzerland, as well as northern Italy, are temporarily denied entry to Serbia.


Slovenia, similarly to Austria, closes its border with Italy; the measure, however, does not apply to the transportation of goods, announced Chief Executive Marjan Sarec on Tuesday. To be able to enter Slovenia, drivers and passengers should be able to present a negative coronavirus health certificate issued by the competent authorities within the preceding three days. Otherwise, their entry will be banned, the statement reads.

However, the border will not be closed for road transport because that would cause further damage to the economy.


Health checks are carried out at the border crossings with Bulgaria.

Bans for trucks
