
Posts tagged:


Swedish Transport Agency prepares plan for 3-step haulier inspections

Swedish Transport Agency prepares plan for 3-step haulier inspections

Pölös Zsófia

Pölös Zsófia Journalist


Weekend bans for trucks suspended in France; drivers’ hours relaxed in Luxembourg

Weekend bans for trucks suspended in France; drivers’ hours relaxed in Luxembourg

Agnieszka Kulikowska - Wielgus

Agnieszka Kulikowska - Wielgus Journalist


[updated: 21 March] UK government announces the most extensive relaxation of drivers’ hours rules yet

[updated: 21 March] UK government announces the most extensive relaxation of drivers’ hours rules yet

Chris Powell

Chris Powell Transport Lawyer at Rothera Sharp Solicitors


UK relaxes drivers hours rules in response to Coronavirus outbreak

UK relaxes drivers hours rules in response to Coronavirus outbreak

Chris Powell

Chris Powell Transport Lawyer at Rothera Sharp Solicitors


No fines in Belgium for violating the driving time regulations until Wednesday. Check out if it applies to you!

No fines in Belgium for violating the driving time regulations until Wednesday. Check out if it applies to you!

Bartosz Wawryszuk

Bartosz Wawryszuk Journalist


A record-breaking drive without a break and a ridiculously low penalty. Authorities would like to punish more severely, but they can’t.

A record-breaking drive without a break and a ridiculously low penalty. Authorities would like to punish more severely, but they can’t.

Dorota Ziemkowska-Owsiany

Dorota Ziemkowska-Owsiany Journalist


French decree introduces a derogation in the regulations on driving time and rest period

French decree introduces a derogation in the regulations on driving time and rest period

Dorota Piotrowska-Pełka

Dorota Piotrowska-Pełka Trans.INFO journalist


Truck drivers pay fines for lack of parking infrastructure

Truck drivers pay fines for lack of parking infrastructure

Małgorzata Kamińska

Małgorzata Kamińska Legal Specialist at TransLawyers


Deadlock over Mobility Package. The European Parliament voted against three reports

Deadlock over Mobility Package. The European Parliament voted against three reports

Dorota Ziemkowska-Owsiany

Dorota Ziemkowska-Owsiany Journalist


Polish transport union files a complaint against a breach of EU law by Denmark

Polish transport union files a complaint against a breach of EU law by Denmark

Beata Gorczyca

Beata Gorczyca
